Monday 3 March 2014

Yes, I often tell you that...

Divine Message Published on Radiosai website

yes I often tell you that
you dont need to earn Me, you only need to yearn for Me
but let Me tell you that
neither can you have Me without yearning for Me
nor can you even have Me by mere intense yearning

yes I often tell you
the way to Me is through Japa and Dhyana
but let Me tell you that
neither can you think of Me without japa and dhyana
nor can you reach me even with your akhanda japa culminating in samadhi

yes I do tell you often that
you can access Me by punya karma or service to fellow beings
but let Me tell you that
though you can indeed not reach me without shreyo karma
but you can not reach me even with all the punyas you earn in a million lifetimes

yes I do tell you that
your good fortune in being born as a human is far greater than even the devas
but let Me tell you that
though one can never reach Me without passing through human body
yet one can never ever reach Me with the raiment of this human body and its dasendryas

yes I do tell you that I am attainable only by viveka jnana
but let Me tell you that
though I am infinitely beyond the reach of maya material of antaha karana chatushtaya
i am even beyond the reach of fully awakened moola prakriti established in viveka jnana (the ultimate wisdom- saroopya))

you can reach Me only by my grace
now that you have accessed Me and know Me
know that you are
The Chosen One
and with the quick fix glue of
My Grace
You and I are inseparable.....

carry on with steady faith your spiritual discipline...
- Baba

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