Friday 11 July 2014

Guru Purnima Special- Significance of Guru Purnima .


Summary of the Mantra

The Guru is Brahma (The God of Creation)
The Guru is Vishnu (The God of Sustenance)
The Guru is Shiva (The God of Annihilation)
My Salutation to such a Guru, who is verily the Supreme God.

Swami says-
Today we are celebrating the festival of Guru Poomima. Who is Guru? 'Gu' stands for Gunatheeta (attributeless). 'Ru' signifies Rupavarjita (formless). There is another interpretation for the word Guru. 'Gu' signifies darkness and 'Ru' denotes that which dispels darkness. (Gukaaro Andhakaarasya, Rukarasthannirodhakaha). So, God, who is attributeless and formless, is the true Guru. In the word 'Bhagavan', the letter 'Bha' stands for effulgence. An ordinary electric bulb illumines only a limited area, but God who is all pervasive illuminates the entire creation. Divinity shines forth in everybody. So, do not hate anybody. 

Guru is one who dispels the darkness of ignorance, arising out of body attachment. Body is but an instrument. God has given you the body to take to the Path of action. Body is God's gift. Deho Devalayah Prokto jeevo Devah Sanathanaha (body is the temple and the indweller is God)! Consider all bodies as temples of God and offer your salutations. Salute even your enemies. Sarva Jeeva Namaskaaram Kesavam Pratigachchathi and likewise Sarva Jeeva Tiraskaaram Kesavam Pratigachchathi (whomsoever you salute, it reaches God and whomsoever you censure, it also reaches God). 

Give up ignorance, light the lamp of wisdom in you and ultimately merge in the Divine. This is Swami's message for you today. Develop love. Through love alone can you annihilate the mind and through love alone can you get cured of any disease. Only love can eradicate the evil qualities in you. So love all. Love the Hridaya, not the physical body. Love the Divinity that is installed in your heart. Body, mind, intellect and senses are merely instruments, you are the master. So, master the mind and be a mastermind. Never become a slave to your mind. Contemplate on the Divine day in and day out. That alone can bring about transformation in you. You may chant any name, contemplate on any form; but understand the truth that God is One and only one. 
Eight types of Gurus and their functions Today is the sacred day of Guru Purnima. Bharatiyas have held the view that one should try to sublimate one's life by seeking a Guru and acting according to his teachings. There are eight types of Gurus: 

Bodha Guru 
Veda Guru 
Nishiddha Guru 
Kaamya Guru 
Vaachaka Guru 
Soochaka Guru 
Kaarana Guru 
Vihita Guru 
Bodha Guru teaches the Sastras and encourages the pupil to act up to sastraic injunctions. The Veda Guru imparts the inner meaning of the Veda s, establishes the pupil in spiritual truths and turns his mind towards God. The Nishiddha Guru imparts knowledge about rites and duties and shows how one's welfare here and in the hereafter can be ensured. The Kaamya Guru makes one engage himself in meritorious deeds to secure happiness in both the worlds. The Vaachaka Guru imparts knowledge of Yoga and prepares the disciple for the spiritual life. The Soochaka Guru teaches how the senses are to be controlled through various types of discipline. The Kaarana Guru reveals the unity of the jivi and the Atma. Vihita Guru clears all doubts, purifies the mind and shows how Self-realization can be attained.

Of these eight Gurus, the Kaarana Guru is the foremost. Through various teachings and practices, he helps the individual to progress from the human to the divine consciousness. Only the divine can act as such a teacher. All other Gurus can be helpful only to a limited extent. 

                                                 By- Smt.Indira Verma

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