Thursday, 28 August 2014

"Who is Ganapati? and Ganesha's Different Names And Their Meanings- By Swami

"Who is Ganapati? He is the Adhipati (master) of all Ganas - five senses, five elements and five sheaths. Human body consists of five Koshas (sheaths) - Annamaya Kosha (food sheath) Pranamaya Kosha (life sheath), Manomaya Kosha (mind sheath), Vijnanamaya Kosha (wisdom sheath) and Anandamaya Kosha (bliss sheath). Man progresses only up to Manomaya Kosha. He is unable to go up to the sheaths of wisdom and bliss. Since Ganapati is the master of all the five Koshas, one has to take refuge in him in order reach the state of bliss." Sai Baba, SS, 10, 99, p. 266



Ganesha's Different Names And Their Meanings

       "Ganapati has been described as 'Aprameya', transcendent and all-encompassing." Sai Baba, SS, 9/97, p. 239

       "One of the names of Vinayaka is' Arkadronpriya' (One who loves thumini and jilledi flowers, flowers which are not valued by people). Other offerings to Vinayaka include a special kind of grass. Ganapati accepts as offerings many things which men consider useless and trivial." Sai Baba, SS, 9/97, p. 237

      "When Vinayaka was writing the Mahabharata to the dictation of sage Vyasa, the latter laid down the condition that Vinayaka should go on writing non-stop whatever Vyasa said. But Vinayaka also stipulated a condition that Vyasa should never stop his dictation but should go on without a break. While he was writing, Vinayaka's pen broke and he did not hesitate to break one of his tusks to use it as a pen. That is why he is called Ekadanta or with a single tusk. This is the shining example of the spirit of sacrifice that Vinayaka exhibited for the welfare of humanity." Sai Baba, SS, 10/94, p. 266

       "Ga means Buddhi or intelligence. 'Na' means Vijnana or wisdom. 'Pati' means master. So, Ganapati is the master of all knowledge, intelligence and wisdom. There is also another significant meaning for the word, that he is the leader of all the 'Ganas' who are celestial beings." Sai Baba, SS, 10/94, 263 & 264. Refer also to SS, 10/96, p. 274
       "To worship the intellect and wisdom is one form of worship of Ganapati. Ganapati represents the combination of much energy. Because of this, the name Ganapati is appropriate for him. Nor is that all. He is the Lord of all celestial hosts (Ganas). Hence, he is hailed as Ganapati." Sai Baba, SS, 10/98, p. 254

       "Parvati Tanayaa(son) Ganaadhipa! (Oh son of Parvati! Lord of the Ganas). In these terms the Vedas extolled Ganapati. He (Ganesha) is called Ganaadhipati (Gana+adhipati = Supreme Lord), because he is the Supreme Lord of the Ganas. The Ganas are the embodiment of the organs of perceptions (Janaanedriyas) and of action (Karmendriyas). The mind is the master of these ten senses. The presiding deity of the mind is called Indra, as he is the Lord of lndriyas (the senses). The master over the mind is the intellect." Sai Baba, SS, 10/95, pp. 253 & 254
       "In the name 'Ganapati', 'G' stands for Guna or virtue and 'Na' for Vijnaana (wisdom). When 'Ga' and 'Na' are joined, we have the combination of Vijnaana (scientific knowledge) and Prajnaana (spiritual wisdom). It is out of the combination of Vijnaana and Prajnaana, Sujnaana (Supreme Knowledge) emerges. Sujnaana is the distinguishing mark of a true man.*Ajnaana is the sign of ignorance. Ganapati is the Lord of Vijnaana and Prajnaana (worldly knowledge and spiritual wisdom). Therefore, when a devotee prays to Ganesha, he asks for the conferment of Vijnaana, Prajnaana and Sujnaana." Sai Baba, SS, 12/92, p. 224
       "Ganapati means the Lord of Ganas. He is the Lord of sound and has the form of Pranava." Sai Baba, SS, 10/89, p. 263

       "Lambodara means Guardian of Wealth (Lakshimi-Swaroopa). Here Lakshami represents all (types of) wealth and prosperity, and not only Dhana (money) for which there is a separate deity called Dhana-Lakshami, one of the eight Lakshamis. Here wealth means Sukha (pleasure) and Ananda (bliss). What is the use of having all other things when one has no pleasure or bliss?" Sai Baba, SS, 10/94, p. 264

       "Vinayaka is also called Vighneshwara as he removes all obstacles coming in the way of devotees who pray to him sincerely. He is worshipped by students with books so that all that is contained in the books may get into their heads." Sai Baba, SS, 10/94, p. 265
       "Vinayaka is one who drives away all sorrows and miseries. He is the enemy of all obstacles. He will not allow any obstacle to come in the way. He is the destroyer of obstacles. He confers happiness and peace (on his devotees)." Sai Baba, SS, 10/95, p. 255

       "Vigato naayakah Vinaayaka", that means "Vinayaka has no master over him. This means that Vinayaka is a totally autonomous and independent deity. In the world, any individual or authority has someone superior above him. But Vinayaka has no overlord." Sai Baba, SS, 10/95, p. 254
       "Vinayaka means that he is one who has no master above him. He is the Supreme Master. He is beyond the mindless state. One who has stilled the mind cannot have any master." Sai Baba, SS, 10/94, p. 264

Form Of Ganesha


       "The form of Ganapati cannot, by any standard, be termed as handsome. He has a small head, big stomach and uncouth form. But still we are captivated by his form and like to see him more and more and worship him. Beauty does not lie in Ganesha's 'Aakaara' (external form) but in 'Vikaara'. Ganesha sacrificed his own tusk and used it as a pen to write down the Mahabharata to the dictation of Vyasa, for the benefit of humanity .Man worships God only for selfish purposes. No one is prepared to sacrifice anything for getting divine bliss." Sai Baba, SS, 11/93, p. 296

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